9CaKrnKmzJF china.huanqiu.comarticle31日香港发生了啥?心痛!仅一天,暴徒将香港弄得如同战场,一片狼藉/e3pmh1nnq/e3pn61c2g打砸烧闹,无恶不作! 昨天,香港又发生了暴乱,非法示威者摧毁着香港这座美丽的城市,留下了满地狼藉…… Hong Kong “pro-democracy” protesters announced the cancellation of their Saturday demonstration after police rejected permission. However, starting Saturday noon, several demonstrations took place in Hong Kong, including those seeking to lay siege to the government and police headquarters. "民阵"原计划31日集会及游行至中联办,但遭警方发出反对通知书,即使后来宣布取消游行,但31日中午开始,港岛多处有示威聚集,并冲击政府总部、警察总部等地。 13:00 About 500 protesters gather at Southorn Playground in Wan Chai, waving banners and shouting slogans 湾仔修顿球场聚集的示威逐渐增加,估计现场约有500人,他们手持多款标语并高呼口号。 13:20 Unauthorized protesters started the demonstration. Hong Kong media spotted Jimmy Lai Chee-ying in the march. Lai left about 3:40 pm 非法示威者游行起步。有香港媒体拍摄到黎智英出现在港岛参与非法游行,并前往中环遮打花园与“长毛”梁国雄和“社民连”主席吴文远会合,参与民阵原定的集会。至下午约3时40分,黎智英沿中环沿中环港铁站到国际金融中心(ifc)附近登上座驾离开。 14:00 Protesters arrived and gathered opposite the police headquarters 游行人士抵达湾仔警察总部对面位置聚集。 14:43 A large number of protesters caused a severe traffic jam by occupying Hennessy Road, Queensway and the Garden Road 大量示威者占据轩尼诗道、金钟道及花园道,造成交通严重阻塞。 15:16 Protesters set roadblocks on the Hennessy Road 示威者占据铜锣湾轩尼诗道行车线,设置路障堵塞马路,造成交通严重阻塞。 17:16 Many protesters pulled down the fences outside the police headquarter. 大批示威者于警总外拆毁围栏。 17:20 Hundreds of protesters gathered outside the government building. They destroyed traffic lights and railings on Pedder Street Johnston Road, throwing hard objects into the government and lasering at the police officers around. 17:20 数百名示威者聚集于政府总部外,有示威者分别于毕打街及庄士敦道拆毁交通灯及铁栏,又将硬物投向政府总部,以激光灯照向于政府总部布防的警务人员。 Protesters set fire to road barriers near Hong Kong Police Headquarters in Wanchai Saturday night. 星期六晚上,示威者在湾仔香港警察总部附近焚烧路障。 Mobs left until fire engines arrived at the scene. Protesters set fire to road barriers and used laser light near Hong Kong Police Headquarters in Wanchai Saturday night. Police officers dismantled the road barriers. 直到消防车到达现场暴徒才离开。星期六晚上,示威者放火烧毁路障,并在湾仔香港警察总部附近使用激光笔。警察拆除了道路障碍。 17:30 Hundreds of protesters gathered outside the government building. Protesters threw petrol bombs into the Hong Kong Regional Complex and shattered the glass at the security station outside the Legislative Council Complex. 政府总部外有水马(道路隔离墩)焚烧,有人向立法会水马内投掷汽油弹,破坏立法会保安亭玻璃。有人将催泪烟掷入解放军军营。 17:42 A large group of protesters stormed into the government complex and the Legislative Council Complex. Some of them pried one iron door of the government complex. Some protesters gathered in front of the Hong Kong Police Headquarters and threw petrol bombs. 17:42大量示威者冲击政府总部及立法会,有示威者用撬棍等撬开了政府总部外的一扇铁门,还有示威者向警察总部投掷汽油弹。 18:00 Protesters kept throwing petrol bombs in Tim Wa Avenue near the Hong Kong Government Complex. 示威者于政府总部附近的添华道不停投掷燃烧弹。 18:46 Protesters threw petrol bombs to police from an overpass near the Hong Kong Government Complex. 示威者从政府总部附近的行车天桥下向警察投掷多个汽油弹。 19:12 Protesters moved to Wanchai and gathered in front of the Hong Kong Police Headquarters. They lit fires, which caused small explosions and heavy smoke 示威者开始转至湾仔警察总部外聚集,轩尼诗道有示威者纵火,期间曾经爆炸并冒出大量浓烟。 #HongKong Police officers are clearing the mess left behind by rioters at Hennessy Road near the police headquarters. Mobs were seen destroying public facilities in video clips. 香港警察正在清理警察总部附近轩尼诗道上暴徒留下的烂摊子。视频中显示,暴徒摧毁了公共设施。 20:00 Protesters poured petrol on road barriers and other objects before setting them alight 示威者在路障和大量杂物上浇了汽油后纵火,火势一度非常大。 Used burning bottles were spotted after protesters vacated the area. 在清场后的马路上,发现了暴徒使用过的燃烧瓶。 20:27 Some protesters lit fires on Yee Wo Street near the Causeway Bay 铜锣湾附近的怡和街电车站附近有人纵火,冒出黑烟。 Protestersset another fire on Yee Wo Street on Sat night. 示威者星期六晚上在怡和街再次点火。 20:30 MTR announced the closure of Admiralty stop and it was also announced that the Tsuen Wan Line would end at the Admiralty station. The Island Line would not stop at the Admiralty and Sai Ying Pun stations 港铁表示,因金钟站外的突发情况及港岛区有公众活动进行,金钟站暂时关闭,荃湾线不停该站,南港岛线以海洋公园站为终点站,港岛线不停该站及西营盘站。 20:48 Protesters threw petrol bombs around the shopping mall SOGO in Causeway Bay 有示威者在铜锣湾SOGO投掷汽油弹。 20:49 Protesters blocked Nathan Road in Tsim Sha Tsui by using trash cans. 尖沙咀弥敦道有示威者利用垃圾桶堵塞道路,南北行车线被堵。 21:15 Protesters surrounded the Tsim Sha Tsui police station. 示威者包围尖沙咀警署。 21:30 Protesters lit fires in the middle of the street in Hysan Place in Causeway Bay 铜锣湾希慎广场,示威者在路中央纵火。 Protesters lit fires to block the road near the Hysan Place while being chased away by #HK police. 铜锣湾希慎广场,示威者被警方驱赶时,在路中央纵火堵路。 …… 看着这样的香港,实在令人心痛。 而这些肆意打砸烧的暴徒——尤其很多还是年轻人——更是让人感到可恨又可悲。 扔国旗,烧路障,拆灯柱,打警察,破坏家园……种种坏事做尽,将香港弄得一片狼藉,何其可恨。 在最宝贵的青春岁月,不努力学习工作,不好好奋斗以充实自我,却将大好年华蹉跎在被人利用的阴谋与谎言里,何其可悲。 而他们的阴谋与谎言,终究无法得逞。 无数爱国爱港、渴望安宁有序的市民,才是香港真正的主流。 五千年海风,狮子山精神,从来都与口罩和激光笔无关。 来源:Global Times 1567301100000责编:王怡环球时报GlobalTimes156730110000011["9CaKrnKmzHp","9CaKrnKmzHn","9CaKrnKmzGW","9CaKrnKmzGj","9CaKrnKmzFf"]//himg2.huanqiucdn.cn/attachment2010/2019/0901/20190901092815954.jpg{"email":"shixi@huanqiu.com","name":"王怡"}
打砸烧闹,无恶不作! 昨天,香港又发生了暴乱,非法示威者摧毁着香港这座美丽的城市,留下了满地狼藉…… Hong Kong “pro-democracy” protesters announced the cancellation of their Saturday demonstration after police rejected permission. However, starting Saturday noon, several demonstrations took place in Hong Kong, including those seeking to lay siege to the government and police headquarters. "民阵"原计划31日集会及游行至中联办,但遭警方发出反对通知书,即使后来宣布取消游行,但31日中午开始,港岛多处有示威聚集,并冲击政府总部、警察总部等地。 13:00 About 500 protesters gather at Southorn Playground in Wan Chai, waving banners and shouting slogans 湾仔修顿球场聚集的示威逐渐增加,估计现场约有500人,他们手持多款标语并高呼口号。 13:20 Unauthorized protesters started the demonstration. Hong Kong media spotted Jimmy Lai Chee-ying in the march. Lai left about 3:40 pm 非法示威者游行起步。有香港媒体拍摄到黎智英出现在港岛参与非法游行,并前往中环遮打花园与“长毛”梁国雄和“社民连”主席吴文远会合,参与民阵原定的集会。至下午约3时40分,黎智英沿中环沿中环港铁站到国际金融中心(ifc)附近登上座驾离开。 14:00 Protesters arrived and gathered opposite the police headquarters 游行人士抵达湾仔警察总部对面位置聚集。 14:43 A large number of protesters caused a severe traffic jam by occupying Hennessy Road, Queensway and the Garden Road 大量示威者占据轩尼诗道、金钟道及花园道,造成交通严重阻塞。 15:16 Protesters set roadblocks on the Hennessy Road 示威者占据铜锣湾轩尼诗道行车线,设置路障堵塞马路,造成交通严重阻塞。 17:16 Many protesters pulled down the fences outside the police headquarter. 大批示威者于警总外拆毁围栏。 17:20 Hundreds of protesters gathered outside the government building. They destroyed traffic lights and railings on Pedder Street Johnston Road, throwing hard objects into the government and lasering at the police officers around. 17:20 数百名示威者聚集于政府总部外,有示威者分别于毕打街及庄士敦道拆毁交通灯及铁栏,又将硬物投向政府总部,以激光灯照向于政府总部布防的警务人员。 Protesters set fire to road barriers near Hong Kong Police Headquarters in Wanchai Saturday night. 星期六晚上,示威者在湾仔香港警察总部附近焚烧路障。 Mobs left until fire engines arrived at the scene. Protesters set fire to road barriers and used laser light near Hong Kong Police Headquarters in Wanchai Saturday night. Police officers dismantled the road barriers. 直到消防车到达现场暴徒才离开。星期六晚上,示威者放火烧毁路障,并在湾仔香港警察总部附近使用激光笔。警察拆除了道路障碍。 17:30 Hundreds of protesters gathered outside the government building. Protesters threw petrol bombs into the Hong Kong Regional Complex and shattered the glass at the security station outside the Legislative Council Complex. 政府总部外有水马(道路隔离墩)焚烧,有人向立法会水马内投掷汽油弹,破坏立法会保安亭玻璃。有人将催泪烟掷入解放军军营。 17:42 A large group of protesters stormed into the government complex and the Legislative Council Complex. Some of them pried one iron door of the government complex. Some protesters gathered in front of the Hong Kong Police Headquarters and threw petrol bombs. 17:42大量示威者冲击政府总部及立法会,有示威者用撬棍等撬开了政府总部外的一扇铁门,还有示威者向警察总部投掷汽油弹。 18:00 Protesters kept throwing petrol bombs in Tim Wa Avenue near the Hong Kong Government Complex. 示威者于政府总部附近的添华道不停投掷燃烧弹。 18:46 Protesters threw petrol bombs to police from an overpass near the Hong Kong Government Complex. 示威者从政府总部附近的行车天桥下向警察投掷多个汽油弹。 19:12 Protesters moved to Wanchai and gathered in front of the Hong Kong Police Headquarters. They lit fires, which caused small explosions and heavy smoke 示威者开始转至湾仔警察总部外聚集,轩尼诗道有示威者纵火,期间曾经爆炸并冒出大量浓烟。 #HongKong Police officers are clearing the mess left behind by rioters at Hennessy Road near the police headquarters. Mobs were seen destroying public facilities in video clips. 香港警察正在清理警察总部附近轩尼诗道上暴徒留下的烂摊子。视频中显示,暴徒摧毁了公共设施。 20:00 Protesters poured petrol on road barriers and other objects before setting them alight 示威者在路障和大量杂物上浇了汽油后纵火,火势一度非常大。 Used burning bottles were spotted after protesters vacated the area. 在清场后的马路上,发现了暴徒使用过的燃烧瓶。 20:27 Some protesters lit fires on Yee Wo Street near the Causeway Bay 铜锣湾附近的怡和街电车站附近有人纵火,冒出黑烟。 Protestersset another fire on Yee Wo Street on Sat night. 示威者星期六晚上在怡和街再次点火。 20:30 MTR announced the closure of Admiralty stop and it was also announced that the Tsuen Wan Line would end at the Admiralty station. The Island Line would not stop at the Admiralty and Sai Ying Pun stations 港铁表示,因金钟站外的突发情况及港岛区有公众活动进行,金钟站暂时关闭,荃湾线不停该站,南港岛线以海洋公园站为终点站,港岛线不停该站及西营盘站。 20:48 Protesters threw petrol bombs around the shopping mall SOGO in Causeway Bay 有示威者在铜锣湾SOGO投掷汽油弹。 20:49 Protesters blocked Nathan Road in Tsim Sha Tsui by using trash cans. 尖沙咀弥敦道有示威者利用垃圾桶堵塞道路,南北行车线被堵。 21:15 Protesters surrounded the Tsim Sha Tsui police station. 示威者包围尖沙咀警署。 21:30 Protesters lit fires in the middle of the street in Hysan Place in Causeway Bay 铜锣湾希慎广场,示威者在路中央纵火。 Protesters lit fires to block the road near the Hysan Place while being chased away by #HK police. 铜锣湾希慎广场,示威者被警方驱赶时,在路中央纵火堵路。 …… 看着这样的香港,实在令人心痛。 而这些肆意打砸烧的暴徒——尤其很多还是年轻人——更是让人感到可恨又可悲。 扔国旗,烧路障,拆灯柱,打警察,破坏家园……种种坏事做尽,将香港弄得一片狼藉,何其可恨。 在最宝贵的青春岁月,不努力学习工作,不好好奋斗以充实自我,却将大好年华蹉跎在被人利用的阴谋与谎言里,何其可悲。 而他们的阴谋与谎言,终究无法得逞。 无数爱国爱港、渴望安宁有序的市民,才是香港真正的主流。 五千年海风,狮子山精神,从来都与口罩和激光笔无关。 来源:Global Times