9CaKrnKie0G china.huanqiu.comarticle单霁翔出了这个牌,故宫把元宵节玩嗨啦!高清组图和视频带你一起飞!/e3pmh1nnq/e3pmh1obd今晚很多人的心应该都在94年来首次开放夜场的故宫博物院那里。没法进宫赏灯的皇上皇后、太皇太后、阿哥格格们不要心急,GT记者现在就为各位献上前方视频和图片。China's Palace Museum lit up on Tuesday night for the Lantern Festival, which is the first time in 94 years that the Forbidden City open to the public at night.中国故宫博物院周二晚上为元宵节点亮华灯,这是紫禁城94年来首次在夜间向公众开放。视频: Li Hao and Wei Xi/GTVisitor numbers to Beijing’s Palace Museum have steadily grown since the start of 2019, with a y-o-y growth of 70%. The museum is the world’s most visited museum in 2018 with 17.54m visits, followed by France’s Louvre: Beijing's Palace Museum curator Shan Jixiang.据故宫博物院院长单霁翔介绍,自2019年初以来,故宫参观人数稳步增长,同比增长70%。2018年,故宫博物院是世界上参观人数最多的博物馆,参观人数达到1754万人次,紧随其后的是法国卢浮宫。以下是高清组图享受时间:Happy Lantern Festival!元宵节快乐!1550584560000责编:魏少璞环球时报GlobalTimes155058456000011[]//himg2.huanqiucdn.cn/attachment2010/2019/0219/21/58/20190219095832413.jpg{"email":"weishaopu@huanqiu.com","name":"魏少璞"}
今晚很多人的心应该都在94年来首次开放夜场的故宫博物院那里。没法进宫赏灯的皇上皇后、太皇太后、阿哥格格们不要心急,GT记者现在就为各位献上前方视频和图片。China's Palace Museum lit up on Tuesday night for the Lantern Festival, which is the first time in 94 years that the Forbidden City open to the public at night.中国故宫博物院周二晚上为元宵节点亮华灯,这是紫禁城94年来首次在夜间向公众开放。视频: Li Hao and Wei Xi/GTVisitor numbers to Beijing’s Palace Museum have steadily grown since the start of 2019, with a y-o-y growth of 70%. The museum is the world’s most visited museum in 2018 with 17.54m visits, followed by France’s Louvre: Beijing's Palace Museum curator Shan Jixiang.据故宫博物院院长单霁翔介绍,自2019年初以来,故宫参观人数稳步增长,同比增长70%。2018年,故宫博物院是世界上参观人数最多的博物馆,参观人数达到1754万人次,紧随其后的是法国卢浮宫。以下是高清组图享受时间:Happy Lantern Festival!元宵节快乐!