9CaKrnK6iTe china.huanqiu.comarticle你我的新时代,全面小康一个都不能少/e3pmh1nnq/e3pmh1obd2018年,改革开放40周年;2019年,新中国成立70周年;2020年,全面建成小康社会;2021年,中国共产党成立100周年……习近平总书记强调,这些重要的时间节点,是我们工作的坐标,更标志着中国开启圆梦复兴的新征程。After 40 years of reform, opening up and development, China is standing in a "new era." The ultimate goal of this period is the "great rejuvenation of the nation," a blueprint set forth by Chinese President Xi Jinping, who plans to push his country forwards in a "new era" during which "no one must be left behind."In Xi's own words“中国特色社会主义进入了新时代。Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era.”“新时代要有新气象。In this new context, we must get a new look.更要有新作为。And more importantly, make new accomplishments.”“2018年我们将迎来改革开放40周年。In 2018, we will mark the 40th anniversary of the launch of reform and opening-up.改革开放是决定当代中国命运的关键一招。Reform and opening-up is a crucial move that is shaping China's future.40年的改革开放使中国人民生活实现了小康 逐步富裕起来了。Forty years of reform and opening-up have made it possible for our people to lead decent and even comfortable lives;我们将坚定不移深化各方面改革,坚定不移扩大开放。We will make determined efforts to comprehensively deepen reform and open China still wider to the world.使改革和开放相互促进,相得益彰。We will see that reform and opening-up complement and reinforce each other.我坚信,中华民族伟大复兴必将在改革开放的进程中得以实现。It is my conviction that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will become a reality in the course of reform and opening-up.”“2019年我们将迎来中华人民共和国成立70周年。In 2019, we will mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.我们将贯彻新发展理念,推动中国经济持续健康发展。We will act on a new vision for development and strive for sustained and healthy economic growth.把我们的人民共和国建设得更加繁荣富强。These efforts will contribute towards a more prosperous and stronger People's Republic.”“2020年我们将全面建成小康社会。In 2020, we will establish a moderately prosperous society across all metrics.全面建成小康社会,一个不能少。This is the society to be enjoyed by each and every one of us.共同富裕路上,一个不能掉队。On the march towards common prosperity, no one must be left behind.我们将举全党全国之力,坚决完成脱贫攻坚任务 确保兑现我们的承诺。We will mobilize the whole Party and the whole country in a resolute push to deliver on our pledge and eradicate poverty in China.我们要牢记人民对美好生活的向往就是我们的奋斗目标。The aspirations of the people to live a better life must always be the focus of our efforts.坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,不断推进全体人民共同富裕。We must remain committed to a people-centered philosophy of development, and make steady progress towards realizing common prosperity for everyone.2021年我们将迎来中国共产党成立100周年。In 2021, we will mark the centenary of the Communist Party of China.中国共产党立志于中华民族千秋伟业,百年恰是风华正茂。For the Party which fights for the eternal wellbeing of the Chinese nation, the centenary only ushers in the prime of life.中国共产党是世界上最大的政党,大就要有大的样子。As the world's largest political party, the CPC must behave in a way commensurate with this status.”“实践充分证明,中国共产党能够带领人民进行伟大的社会革命,Its history makes it abundantly clear that the CPC is capable of not only spearheading a great social revolution,也能够进行伟大的自我革命。but also imposing a great reform on itself.我们将继续清除一切侵蚀党的健康肌体的病毒,We must continue to rid ourselves of any virus that erodes the Party's fabric,大力营造风清气正的政治生态,to make great efforts for fostering a healthy political environment of integrity,以全党的强大正能量在全社会凝聚起推动中国发展进步的磅礴力量。and to generate waves of positive energy throughout our Party, which can then build into a mighty nationwide force driving China's development and progress.”“中国共产党和中国人民从苦难中走过来。The Communist Party of China and the Chinese people have gone through trials and tribulations.深知和平的珍贵,发展的价值。These experiences have taught us that peace is precious and development must be valued.中国人民自信自尊,将坚定维护国家主权,安全,发展利益。With confidence and pride the Chinese people will be steadfast in upholding our country's sovereignty, security and development interests.同时将同各国人民一道,积极推动构建人类命运共同体。We will also work with other nations to build a global community with a shared future.不断为人类和平与发展的崇高事业作出新的更大的贡献。and make new and greater contributions to the noble cause of peace and development for all humanity.俗语说,百闻不如一见。As the saying goes: "It is better to see once, than to hear a hundred times."我们不需要更多的溢美之词。We do not need lavish praise from others.我们一贯欢迎客观的介绍和有益的建议。However, we do welcome objective reporting and constructive suggestions.正所谓,不要人夸颜色好,只留清气满乾坤。For this is our motto: "Not angling for compliments, I'd be content that my integrity fills the universe."1515572760000责编:薛艺磊CGTN新闻客户端15155727600002["9CaKrnK6hgQ","9CaKrnK6ckS","9CaKrnK694c","9CaKrnK689Y","9CaKrnK5Eud"]//himg2.huanqiucdn.cn/attachment2010/2018/0110/20180110042814279.jpg{"email":"script_silent@huanqiu.com","name":"沉默者"}
2018年,改革开放40周年;2019年,新中国成立70周年;2020年,全面建成小康社会;2021年,中国共产党成立100周年……习近平总书记强调,这些重要的时间节点,是我们工作的坐标,更标志着中国开启圆梦复兴的新征程。After 40 years of reform, opening up and development, China is standing in a "new era." The ultimate goal of this period is the "great rejuvenation of the nation," a blueprint set forth by Chinese President Xi Jinping, who plans to push his country forwards in a "new era" during which "no one must be left behind."In Xi's own words“中国特色社会主义进入了新时代。Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era.”“新时代要有新气象。In this new context, we must get a new look.更要有新作为。And more importantly, make new accomplishments.”“2018年我们将迎来改革开放40周年。In 2018, we will mark the 40th anniversary of the launch of reform and opening-up.改革开放是决定当代中国命运的关键一招。Reform and opening-up is a crucial move that is shaping China's future.40年的改革开放使中国人民生活实现了小康 逐步富裕起来了。Forty years of reform and opening-up have made it possible for our people to lead decent and even comfortable lives;我们将坚定不移深化各方面改革,坚定不移扩大开放。We will make determined efforts to comprehensively deepen reform and open China still wider to the world.使改革和开放相互促进,相得益彰。We will see that reform and opening-up complement and reinforce each other.我坚信,中华民族伟大复兴必将在改革开放的进程中得以实现。It is my conviction that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will become a reality in the course of reform and opening-up.”“2019年我们将迎来中华人民共和国成立70周年。In 2019, we will mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.我们将贯彻新发展理念,推动中国经济持续健康发展。We will act on a new vision for development and strive for sustained and healthy economic growth.把我们的人民共和国建设得更加繁荣富强。These efforts will contribute towards a more prosperous and stronger People's Republic.”“2020年我们将全面建成小康社会。In 2020, we will establish a moderately prosperous society across all metrics.全面建成小康社会,一个不能少。This is the society to be enjoyed by each and every one of us.共同富裕路上,一个不能掉队。On the march towards common prosperity, no one must be left behind.我们将举全党全国之力,坚决完成脱贫攻坚任务 确保兑现我们的承诺。We will mobilize the whole Party and the whole country in a resolute push to deliver on our pledge and eradicate poverty in China.我们要牢记人民对美好生活的向往就是我们的奋斗目标。The aspirations of the people to live a better life must always be the focus of our efforts.坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,不断推进全体人民共同富裕。We must remain committed to a people-centered philosophy of development, and make steady progress towards realizing common prosperity for everyone.2021年我们将迎来中国共产党成立100周年。In 2021, we will mark the centenary of the Communist Party of China.中国共产党立志于中华民族千秋伟业,百年恰是风华正茂。For the Party which fights for the eternal wellbeing of the Chinese nation, the centenary only ushers in the prime of life.中国共产党是世界上最大的政党,大就要有大的样子。As the world's largest political party, the CPC must behave in a way commensurate with this status.”“实践充分证明,中国共产党能够带领人民进行伟大的社会革命,Its history makes it abundantly clear that the CPC is capable of not only spearheading a great social revolution,也能够进行伟大的自我革命。but also imposing a great reform on itself.我们将继续清除一切侵蚀党的健康肌体的病毒,We must continue to rid ourselves of any virus that erodes the Party's fabric,大力营造风清气正的政治生态,to make great efforts for fostering a healthy political environment of integrity,以全党的强大正能量在全社会凝聚起推动中国发展进步的磅礴力量。and to generate waves of positive energy throughout our Party, which can then build into a mighty nationwide force driving China's development and progress.”“中国共产党和中国人民从苦难中走过来。The Communist Party of China and the Chinese people have gone through trials and tribulations.深知和平的珍贵,发展的价值。These experiences have taught us that peace is precious and development must be valued.中国人民自信自尊,将坚定维护国家主权,安全,发展利益。With confidence and pride the Chinese people will be steadfast in upholding our country's sovereignty, security and development interests.同时将同各国人民一道,积极推动构建人类命运共同体。We will also work with other nations to build a global community with a shared future.不断为人类和平与发展的崇高事业作出新的更大的贡献。and make new and greater contributions to the noble cause of peace and development for all humanity.俗语说,百闻不如一见。As the saying goes: "It is better to see once, than to hear a hundred times."我们不需要更多的溢美之词。We do not need lavish praise from others.我们一贯欢迎客观的介绍和有益的建议。However, we do welcome objective reporting and constructive suggestions.正所谓,不要人夸颜色好,只留清气满乾坤。For this is our motto: "Not angling for compliments, I'd be content that my integrity fills the universe."